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Vacations with Personality

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Flights from Havana to Cayo Largo

All Inclusive

Quick Overview

Domestic flights from Havana to Cayo Largo.



The departure time of the flight is confirmed past 12:00 hrs on the previous day. You must call the telephone number that we will provide you to confirm the departure time.

  • Pick-up: The bus will pick you up at the main entrance of the selected hotel.

  • Pick-up time: The bus will pick you up 3 hours before the flight time.

  • Destination: The transfer from the Cayo Largo Airport will leave you at the selected hotel.


If you are making a reservation for more than one person, write in "comments" the following passenger information:

  • Name / Name (s):

  • Nationality:

  • Passport number:

  • Date of birth:


This transfer does not stop at private homes, you can select the nearest hotel and take the transfer there.

If you are not staying at the selected hotel or the hotel reservation is not in your name, leave us the information in "Comments".

The departure time can vary between 30 and 45 minutes, depending on the number of hotels to pick up other passengers.

We recommend not making a national flight reservation on the same day of your international flight. The agency is not responsible for the loss of domestic or international flights.


To book the return transfer, click here.

General conditions for domestic flights

More Details

Domestic flights from Havana to Cayo Largo.




The departure time of the flight is confirmed past 12:00 hrs on the previous day. You must call the telephone number that we will provide you to confirm the departure time.

  • Pick-up: The bus will pick you up at the main entrance of the selected hotel.

  • Pick-up time: The bus will pick you up 3 hours before the flight time.

  • Destination: The transfer from the Cayo Largo Airport will leave you at the selected hotel

Vacations with Personality